After playing around with multiple Bitcoin Lightning node software, thought of building a perfect enclosure for Bitcoin Node.

Cons of Running a Bitcoin Lightning Node without a Proper Enclosure

  • Messy cables.
  • High chances of disturbing the Hard disk, which may lead to data corruption.
  • I/O ports around the Raspberry Pi.

Things considered while designing the enclosure

  • Affordable.
  • No Messy cables.
  • Dashboard (Bitcoin Ticker).
  • All I/O Ports on the back side of the enclosure.
  • Minimalist design.

SATA Expansion Board

M08 SATA Expansion Board

All started with designing a SATA Expansion board to mount 2.5” hard disk. After 3 iterations, we were confident enough to go for Production with the name M08 SATA expansion board. 

M08 is powered through USB type C connector. The reason why we opted to go with Type C is , those users who already running a bitcoin node has a Type C power adapter (we recommend Official Raspberry Pi Power Supply, if you are not having one). So we don’t want to pollute the environment by giving another power adapter with barrel connector just to power the same RPi. 

SATA Expansion board bridges raspberry Pi’s USB port using a USB 3.0 jumper. 

USB 3.0 Jumper

H8 Heat Controller 

We all knew Rpi 4 is power hungry and faster than prior models, and due to its design, the processor heats up quickly and reaches high temperature at the time of initial blockchain sync. During initial sync without H8 it was recorded up to 83•c. By using H8 the temperature reduces significantly to 68•c. 

H8 Fusion (Aluminum fins with Copper Base)

Did I tell you that, H8 Fusion was designed and manufactured in-house. 


The enclosure was precisely crafted to hold all the accessories which comes with the package.

Material : Aluminum is used to build and it was then treated with powder coating to get an elite and smooth finish.

Dashboard aka Machine Face (BITCOIN Ticker) 

I believe most of us have the habit of checking bitcoin price now and then. So we decided to have a Built-in bitcoin ticker with the enclosure. After doing much research on LCD availability and its size we settled to 1.8 ST7735 model. Which helps to draw beautiful dashboard. Machine Face can customized as per your need. 

Bitcoin Price and Latest Generated Block

Bitcoin Lightning Node Software

You choose and install your favorite Bitcoin Lightning Node Software on your own , our Machine supports most popular Bitcoin lightning node software.

Plug n Play : Raspiblitz, Mynode and Umbrel.

Privacy Focused : RoninDojo

If you like to tinker and learn more about bitcoin lightning node and setup lightning node manually , I suggest Raspibolt. There is an excellent documentation by Stadicus . To get a good understanding of bitcoin lightning node and its step by step setup. 

We love all the bitcoin node software available in the market, we developed machine faces which acts as a Dashboard for all the Nodes in coming days..

Choose or customize from the list of available dashboard scripts: 

  • Bitcoin price 
  • Recently generated bitcoin block
  • Number of bitcoins generated till now 
  • Digital clock

…. And we are working on some more exciting Machine faces. 

Price List 

Bitcoin Machine comes in variety of combinations with attractive colors. To make it affordable to Bitcoin network supporters, we decided to go as low as possible. 

Bitcoin Machine Price List

Find Bitcoin Machines and its accessories from the shop link


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